You can take the teacher out of the school…..

E65CBD48-6A1C-4C98-B66A-A0463B6AAD09.jpegYou’ve probably heard the adage “you can take the teacher out of the school but you can’t take the school out of the teacher.”

It makes me wonder: if I wasn’t able to be a teacher, who would I be?

When I ask other people about themselves, only sometimes does their occupation appear within the first couple of introductory anecdotes.

When I think about myself, however, and the accomplishments I’ve achieved in my lifetime, teaching always comes out as number one.

I’m the kind of teacher that even when I go on a holiday overseas, I send postcards to the kids in my class.

Every discussion I have seems to somehow come back to education.

So- once a teacher, always a teacher?

Is there such a thing as a “born” teacher?

When I was younger I would ask babysitters to give me a spelling test and I would line up my dolls to impart my wisdom upon them.

They say you can spot a teacher a mile away. They wear flats and cardigans. They’re always buying stickers. They tell you to “use your words” and cast disconcerting glares at you when unimpressed.

What about when I retire? Do I stop being a teacher then? I’d like to think that some child, somewhere, had fond memories of me out the front of their classroom.

In that way, in the memories of students, does my teaching forever live on?

Where do the lines blurr, between Me the friend, Me the wife, Me the daughter, sister, aunt and granddaughter, Me the cat-lover, Me the once upon a time exchange student, and Me the teacher?

God knows I’m bossy, and definitely a control freak.

But that probably runs in the family!


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